Tank 142
The Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus) is a fascinating species known for its unique physical features and behavior. It has an elongated body covered in armored scales and a pair of lobed pectoral fins. The coloration can vary, but it commonly includes shades of light brown and light green, providing excellent camouflage in its natural environment. Senegal Bichirs prefer a well-decorated aquarium with ample hiding spots like caves, plants, and driftwood.
- SOLD SIZE: 7”-8”
- Origin: West Africa, Senegal River basin
- Max size in inches: 12-14 inches
- Recommended tank size in gallons: 55 gallons or larger
- Water temperature: 75-82°F
- Temperament: Generally peaceful, but can be territorial towards similar species
- Diet: Carnivorous, feed a variety of live and frozen foods like worms, small fish, and shrimp
- Lifespan: Up to 20 years